Organic plant-based fertiliser for your garden

Natural pellet and liquid fertiliser and soil improver

Chemical free, organic, Bio-Active Gardening

The Natura Grow Story

Make the change to organic plant-based gardening

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Natura Grow is a naturally Organic Bio-Active plant feed. In handy pellet or liquid formats.

Verified for us in organic systems, Natura Grow is naturally organic and Bio-Active, containing macro and micro nutrients plus beneficial bacteria that help plants grow stronger and resist disease.

We sow, grow and harvest energy crops on our farm in Cambridgeshire which are then feed into anaerobic digesters. This process generates gas and electricity which supplies the national grid with green energy.

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Save our peat bogs! Use Natura Grow pellets

Peat is sourced mainly from lowland raised bogs, habitats which are increasingly rare in the UK and Europe and under threat from invasive harvesting methods

Natura Grow All Purpose Feed box
Natura Grow pellets

Introducing plant-based and innovative

Natura Grow All Purpose Pellets

Simply mix our plant-based pellets with soil or compost to boost natural and healthy growth
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