Start using plant-based Natura Grow pellets

Mix our plant-based pellets with soil or compost to boost natural and healthy growth

using our plant-based fertiliser pellets

Natura Grow Pellets are the 100% and natural alternative for the eco-conscious gardener. The plant-based composition is packed full of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, and the pellet format is simple and effective. Natura Grow cares for both your garden and the environment, in a sustainable and responsible way.

In your garden

Glorious growth in all areas of your garden


Simply mix onto your soil and fork in.

One handful of pellets is approx 45g. Apply every 3-4 weeks to maintain optimum plant growth and soil conditioning.

You can also sprinkle pellets around the base of newly-bedded plants. Natura Grow pellets help plants to retain water and add extra nutrients that they need to thrive.

Safety & Storage

As Natura Grow has a strong natural aroma, we recommend the use of gloves when handling our products. Wash hands after use. Keep away from children and pets. If swallowed seek medical advice straightaway. Store out of sunlight in a cool place.

Did you know?

Natura Grow All Purpose Feed box
Natura Grow Pellets are packed full of nutrients that are beneficial to both plants and soil. One box of our pellets has the same growing power as 3.5 bags of compost

Every keen gardener understands the value of earthworms, and Natura Grow pellets work in a similar way.

Our unique Bio-Active pellets rehydrate in the ground, aerating the soil and allowing water and nutrients to penetrate the root systems of plants.

Our Natura Grow liquid can be used as a top-up supplement

In your containers

For brilliant blooms in your pots and baskets


Natura Grow pellets are ideal for use in containers. Apply every 3-4 weeks to maintain optimum plant growth and soil conditioning.

Sprinkle pellets around the base of newly-bedded plants. Natura Grow pellets help plants to retain water and add extra nutrients that they need to thrive.

Safety and Storage

As Natura Grow has a strong natural aroma, we recommend the use of gloves when handling our products. Wash hands after use. Keep away from children and pets. If swallowed seek medical advice straightaway. Store out of sunlight in a cool place.

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